I LOVE GOLF.... Wait no I HATE GOLF. 9 times out of 10, these words have been spoken due to a shank. Every golfer is bound to have a few, however, there is a big difference between an occasional mishit and consistently struggling with shanking.
Why am I shanking every shot?
First, let's make sure we're on the same page with what a shank is. In golf, a shank refers to striking the ball with the hosel (lol) of the club instead of the clubface. This off-center contact typically results in the ball veering sharply to the right for right-handed golfers, or left for left-handed golfers.
The problem with shanking is that it tends to be persistent and negatively affect your game, leading to a state commonly referred to as "having the shanks." Shanking a shot is up there with one of the worst feelings, and most of us would walk to the ends of the earth to find a solution.
What causes a shank?
Here are some common technical faults that can lead to it:
Distance from the ball: Standing too close to the ball at address can increase the likelihood of opening the clubface excessively, resulting in a shank. Conversely, standing too far away can cause imbalance and awkward hand positioning, also leading to a shank.
Weight distribution on the feet: Lack of balance during your golf swing can prevent you from achieving the correct impact position and cause you to strike the ball with the hosel (lol again) of the club. Maintaining weight towards the heels is crucial, as leaning too far forward and being on the toes can create problems.
Swing path: The standard golf swing involves a path that moves from inside to outside of the ball-to-target line, typically producing a draw shot. However, many average golfers tend to overemphasize an inside swing path during the takeaway. To realign the club and make contact with the ball, they end up coming over the top, resulting in an outside swing path that can contribute to shanking.
Golf club grip pressure: Inadequate grip pressure can also lead to shanking. Gripping the club too lightly allows it to move during the swing, making it challenging to make solid contact with the ball. One way to check grip tightness is to insert some grass between the butt of the club and the padding of your left hand. If the grass remains in place throughout the swing, your grip is likely tight enough.